Project Management + BIM + Coordination | CorbisStudio

Developed by

Mack Real State Group

Designed by

Collins Woerman


Seattle, Washington


516,233 sq ft





Corbis services

Architectural Production, Services for Architects

This residential tower encompasses a remarkable 400-foot height and accommodates 430 residential units. Its strategic location presents a captivating opportunity for a hillside pedestrian park that seamlessly integrates with the existing topography, embracing the essence of Seattle's urban landscape. The public entry plaza, located on the podium roof, is the "front door" of the project.

We enjoy doing business together

"I just wanted to thank all of you for your efforrts on 1001 John, Idefinitely feel that the project is better off for your efforts. I enjoyed working with you all, and I hope Corbis continues on the jobs as we march towards a CONSTRUCTION SET issuance. For my first-time working with Corbis-Iwas somewhat reluctant. I think lucked out and had a great team." Bobby Thomsen - Senior Associate / Collins Woerman

Collins Woerman

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