How to plan a brand growth with a comprehensive approach? | Corbis news

In the dynamic retail landscape, brands are constantly evolving as new stores open and recovery from pandemics kicks in. Cost optimization and process management are critical to growth planning. Here are insights from my retail tour of Southern California.

An in-depth look at the retail sector in SoCal

The volume of activity and the continued growth in every company never ceases to amaze me. Each brand brings unique challenges and opportunities, and it's fascinating to see how they adjust to the changing scene. During the pandemic, consumption shifted to e-commerce, and it was uncertain how consumer behavior would evolve when things returned to normal.  

Recent articles like the one published by  Colliers and Allen Martin show in numbers what I verified during my trip: a rebound in retail activity. After a fruitful tour in which I visited various brands, primarily in the clothing and QSR sectors, I can confirm the retail world in SoCal is alive and kicking, with a wide range of companies in constant action.   

In addition, valuable meetings with potential clients revealed a common perception within the industry: It's true that some brands reduced their store patterns or even disappeared with the pandemic, but many others moved where the business is and adapted their concepts of brick-and-mortar stores complementing their offer with online platforms.  

This evolution has resulted in the renewal of brands and the emergence of new companies ready to enter the market. The common thread lies in the need for effective planning to ensure continued success in this competitive environment. 

Diego Amadeo, Director of Solutions for Retail

The post-pandemic improvement in the commercial and retail sectors was palpable. Brand resurgence and focus on expansion, whether through new locations or renovations, reflects market confidence. However, this optimism comes with significant challenges that the firms must address.

To ensure the success of growth planning, process management, and cost optimization are critical issues that require attention. This is where Corbis' Perfecting Project Delivery principles come into play, providing seamless and smooth project flow. Our extensive range of solutions for retail makes us an essential partner for companies in their journey to operational excellence. 

Our value proposition lies in an in-depth understanding of end-to-end processes. When working with a client, we are committed to effective coordination between processes, hands-on experience, and technology backed by a solid methodology and a trained team of BIM experts. 

Diego Amadeo, Director of Solutions for Retail

In this thrilling retail environment, the solution clients value most is our ability to be problem solvers, providing top-quality branded architecture and successful project execution, optimizing costs and time, which enable more efficient investments and program fulfillment.